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Bart Christy 

// Guitar & Lead Vocals

Songwriter, Music & Video Producer.

Co-Founder of Ecstasy Of Love

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Jody Christy 

// Lead Vocals, Songwriter,

Music & Video Producer.

Co-Founder of Ecstasy Of Love

Bart Christy Ecstasy Of Love
Jody Christy Ecstasy Of Love
Jody Christy Ecstasy Of Love
EOL Logo 8 on BK.jpg

Jody Christy 

// Lead Vocals, Songwriter,

Music & Video Producer.

Co-Founder of Ecstasy Of Love

"I was born in Sydney, Australia.  Between the ages of 6-7, I attended drama classes at the Independent Theatre in Sydney as well as ballet classes. When I was age 11, I started learning to play the guitar. Music was always a huge passion of mine since early childhood and I loved singing, writing songs and poetry. I always had this vision of myself being a singer in an awesome band and craved to make this happen and I had a deep knowing that it would one day.

Being aware of my inner Higher Consciousness Being of Love, I began my own business which ran for 14 years holding Spiritual Awakening Classes, Seminars and Esoteric Healing Facilitating Courses, using music as a prime healing tool.  This was a great experience of joy and expansion to express my Infinite Being of Love through these modalities.

When I first met Bart at one of my seminars in 1996, I instantly knew we had a powerful connection. I asked him, “What do you do?” He said, “Im a musician.”  I felt a very strong feeling and said to him, “I’ve been waiting for you.” One day he gave me a tape recording of a few of his guitar instrumental song demos and when I listened I literally screamed out loud that this was the most beautiful music I had ever heard and had always wanted to hear, and knew right then that we had to create music together.  I had never felt such a huge passionate knowing that this was the person that I had to unite with to create my vision of music!!  We soon after started our own home recording studio and creating music together.  This was and is a most extraordinary experience of love, unity, bliss, inspiration, expression, creativity, passion and excitement! Those early days together changed our lives forever and brought us magnificently home to each other.  Our music is the key to our most amazing union of our love.  

Bart is the most beautiful amazing person I have ever met, he is a total master, a genius of music and has talent pouring out of him constantly!!  Bart’s guitar playing is magnificent, its penetrating, exhilarating, majestic, magical, awakening, it is both thrilling and soothing.  His singing voice is luscious, divine, gorgeous, rich, sensuous and touches many different layers of emotion. I absolutely love every aspect of enjoying our life together and sharing our music creations of love with everyone!! I couldn’t be more grateful to have my gorgeous Bart, he is way beyond my most amazing dreams come true!! 

Bart & I love creating delicious, powerful, mesmerising, ethereal, passionate music that really rocks, as well as, soothes and nourishes your Heart & Soul!! We are driven to express our love, our joy, our sensuousness and super activated creativity into everything we do with our music, what a gift of love that we treasure with our entire being!! 

Jody Christy


Bart & Jody have been writing, recording, performing and producing original music together since 1997.

Bart Christy Ecstasy Of Love

Bart Christy 

// Guitar & Lead Vocals, Songwriter,

Music & Video Producer.

Co-Founder of Ecstasy Of Love

"I was born in Perth, Australia.  I began guitar lessons at the young age of 8, learning classical and then rock.  At  age 15 I Joined my first band in high school playing pop/rock covers and then writing and performing original songs.  As I entered my late teens and early 20’s I started playing with other working cover bands and original bands in Perth which gave me touring and performing live on radio and television experiences. 

At age 23 I then moved to the Gold Coast and formed a covers and originals duo, trio, and band and began playing gigs.  All this time I was working on improving my songwriting, singing, and guitar playing.  I was also feeling more and more that I only wanted to play original music that meant something to me and I was wanting to write more soulful, conscious, and awakened focused music that I could express myself in fully.  I was finishing with who I had been and was finding a new depth of myself.  This is what I was deeply contemplating when I met Jody in 1996. She was exactly what I had been yearning for in my soul. This was to become a beautiful new world for myself.  I soon left the working band scene and Jody and I have been working on music together ever since early 1997.  Our love for each other emerged and we got married in 1999 and I have felt blessed every day since.


I love Jody’s singing voice she has a unique and rich tone and at the same time it sparkles, it’s amazing.  Besides I think Jody is absolutely deliciously gorgeous and brilliant, I also love the total complimentary writing, musicality, and creativity between Jody and myself.  We bring out the best in each other.  I feel like now I can express the love, passion, depth, inspiration, happiness, and the power and essence of my being through our music together.  I often say, 'When I sing and play guitar I feel like I’m flying.'

I love writing, recording and making videos, and doing concerts.  I really love bringing music to life from the beginning stages of a new song to the live performances on stage.  It’s what I feel like I’m made for.  All the creativity and expression is awesome.

Bart Christy


Bart & Jody have been writing, recording, performing and producing original music together since 1997.






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